Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Rejuvenation, Renewal, Hope

As Merrilee and I left our local polling place after voting this morning, a light rain began to fall and continued throughout the morning. Later, as we drove through the mist to our 20-week midwife appointment, we talked about the rain's symbolism; how it represented renewal, rejuvenation, cleansing, hope. Today will go down as an historic moment in US history regardless of the outcome of the US Presidential Election: we'll either have our first African-American President or our first female Vice-President.

However, all the political madness disappeared into insignificance as we sat in a small office at the UCSD Medical Center and heard how our baby was completely healthy, was growing just fine, was in the 62-percentile in size for his age, and Merrilee has no risks which would bar her from having a normal, healthy labor and delivery at the UCSD Birth Center. We looked at each other, smiled, and took a moment to appreciate just how blessed we are.

On a day which represents a re-birth of our political leadership, we listened to our baby boy's heartbeat and imagined a birth that is yet to come.


  1. Beautifully written. I'm so glad to hear that everything is going just fine. And that it rained in San Diego! ;-0

  2. Yay, baby boy Willoughby in 2044!!!

  3. Hey Congratulations! I had both of my kids at Best Start Birth Center and have a few friend who delivered at the UCSD Birth Center. There is a yahoo group I recommend you join called San Diego Natural Families. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SanDiegoNaturalFamilies/
    Midwives, doulas, herbalists, acupuncturists, child birth instructors and a bunch of great families who are wealth of knowledge and information are on there. Natalie



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