Saturday, March 28, 2009

The blog is updated, so he can come now

The little guy is now five days past due, so Merrilee and I have been using the time to finish all those last-minute things before he arrives. It's become a running joke: "Oh, X is done, so he can come now." Here's a list for posterity:
  • I cleaned the fishbowl, so he can come now.
  • Merrilee had a pedicure, so he can come now.
  • We washed Fergie, so he can come now.
  • My mom bought us a doggie gate to keep Fergie out of the nursery, so he can come now.
  • We mailed the last thank-you note from our baby showers, so he can come now.
  • I scrubbed the water fountain by the front door, so he can come now.
  • The gardeners did the yard, so he can come now.
  • We installed the child seat in the car, so he can come now.
  • We packed our bags for the hospital, so he can come now.
  • We finished the laundry, so he can come now.
  • We ran the dishwasher, so he can come now.
  • Merrilee gave a crash-course to her manager on her pending projects, so he can come now.
  • As of this morning, I bought an iPhone timer application called "Contractions," so he can come now.
And, of course, I just posted this blog entry, so he can come now.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The nursery is ready!

The nursery is finally in a state where we can come close to calling it "done" so we took a few pictures and posted them on Flickr. We've also included a few below. We decided the theme turned out to be "Adventureland," or more specifically, "Jungle Cruise meets the Tiki Room." It's great to look around the room and see old things (France & Son 1950's teak rocker), new things (Ikea lamps), things we already owned (the Tiki Room puzzle by Shag over the crib), things that were gifted to us (the furniture from my sister), and things we never thought we'd need (the wipe warmer on top of the changing table). We think the little guy is going to love it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Family Pictures

In honor of the big changes that are about to come our way, we decided that we needed to stop and take some time to savor things just as they are. We wanted to celebrate our family as its been over the last ten years. So a few weeks ago, we met with Carey Schumacher of San Diego Barefoot Memories at the beach in La Jolla to take some family pictures. We had a great time and we're thrilled with how the pictures turned out. We think they really reflect this special time in our lives and how excited we are about our new arrival. It's fun to imagine that the next time we take family pictures, there will be another little face in the frame. We posted some of our favorites up on Flickr.

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