Over the last couple weeks it seems like I'm feeling more and more pregnant. Sleeping has become more difficult and getting out of bed in the morning has become next to impossible. It's amazing what an extra 20 pounds will do for you, especially when most of it is concentrated in your belly and screwing with your sense of gravity. Oh, and the charlie horses that wake me up in the middle of the night are loads of fun. Aside from the minor aches and pains though, I really can't complain. It seems like he's constantly moving around and I haven't tired of all the little kicks and punches. It's so wonderful to have these reminders of his presence throughout the day.
We decided to start taking a picture every week now that we're nearing the end. We've been told that my belly will grow to unimaginable proportions and very rapidly in the last couple months (I can't believe that is all that's left). Here are a couple of pics from weeks 29 and 31. He's definitely getting bigger. In case you're curious, that is a coconut that I'm drinking out of in the 29-week picture. We learned, courtesy of our doula, that coconut juice is a pregnancy superfood. It's a natural electrolyte replacement, full of potassium and magnesium, great for digestion, and boosts the immune system. Who knew? Since I've already been through an entire flat of coconuts from Ranch 99, I'd like to think that I'm maximizing the health benefits. I also just enjoy the novelty :)
We decided to start taking a picture every week now that we're nearing the end. We've been told that my belly will grow to unimaginable proportions and very rapidly in the last couple months (I can't believe that is all that's left). Here are a couple of pics from weeks 29 and 31. He's definitely getting bigger. In case you're curious, that is a coconut that I'm drinking out of in the 29-week picture. We learned, courtesy of our doula, that coconut juice is a pregnancy superfood. It's a natural electrolyte replacement, full of potassium and magnesium, great for digestion, and boosts the immune system. Who knew? Since I've already been through an entire flat of coconuts from Ranch 99, I'd like to think that I'm maximizing the health benefits. I also just enjoy the novelty :)